Gandhi Fellowship

The Gandhi Fellowship is a unique residential 2 year course that puts youngsters into a rural or semi-urban setting to grapple with improving the existing school system. The course is also designed to foster introspection and set the participants on a transformative journey towards becoming future leaders of the nation.


How do you attract quality talent to choose this over the other existing courses, instead of taking conventional professional routes?


A recruitment campaign that invited people to go on a journey of inner and outer transformation. A call to all those who are discontent and restless and wish to do something greater with their lives. This creative idea that spoke to the latent desire in dreamers took various forms from posters, brochures, website, merchandise etc.


The applications have gone up from 600 (last year) to 900 approx (till March end). They are expecting to get another 100. And the number of students from top colleges have increase from 57% to 73%. Also they have achieved their target by March end which was 240 offers. Previously, it was achieved at the end of April or Mid May.